Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year Resolutions and 30 Day Challenge

I'm at it again.  I feel like I keep saying that.  I feel like no matter how hard I'm trying, somehow, I find myself straying from my goals.  To make it easier, I want to make my goals public, and take them in smaller increments than I did before.
My Goals.
  • Lose 10 lbs in one month by eating healthier and exercising more.  Adjust this goal as necessary as I continue my weight loss journey.
  • Do cardio at least four times a week, for at least 30 minutes.
  • Do strength training at least three times a week, for at least 30 minutes.
  • Try at least one "new" recipe every week - either by creating a new recipe, or revamping an old recipe to be healthier, and share it here on this blog.
  • Update this blog at least twice a week, including updating my personal victories.
To some, these goals might seem trivial.  To me, these are the steps I need to take to get back on track.  I was doing so well, however, I got off track right around my wedding.  While I made excuses then of being too busy, too tired, and not enough time, I am not allowing myself to have excuses.  After the wedding and the honeymoon, I was just out of the habit, and thus I lacked the motivation to do what I needed to.

To help motivate me and get me on track, I am challenging myself to not eat lunch out for the next 30 days at work.  That means, for the next month, I need to bring my own food, no excuses.  I need to get into a habit of preparing my lunch nightly, and making sure that even during stressful times, I am eating the best I can.  There have been too many times when I have said "Forget it, I'm stressed and want something fried!"  I want those days to come to an end, and this is how I am starting it.

As I mentioned earlier, I did get married!  I got married on October 27 to my wonderful best friend.  It was a beautiful and fun day, albeit stressful leading up to it.  But I was proud of how everything turned out, and we have some really amazing friends and family who love and support us - many of them drove at least 6 hours to be a part of it!  Cannot ask for anything better than that!
Right after we were announced!
A picture a friend took while we were waiting for our party bus.
We were brutal with the cake.  And yes, I have a different dress.
Singing and dancing with people we love.
With that, I think I will call it a night.  I have a few recipes that I want to start preparing to share soon.

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