Monday, January 28, 2013

Challenge Explained, Ups and Downs

Ok, so I failed my challenge on January 4, as I happily ate Qdoba for lunch while I was having a very bad day.  This caused me to think more carefully about the parameters of the challenge that I have set for myself, and to state the guidelines and what I want from this challenge here.
  1. No going out to eat for lunch during the work week.  This is because as I look at my financial budget, I see how much money I spend on meals eating out.  When I get lunch at work, a meal typically costs about $7-$8.  Eating out five times a week is $35-$40 each week that I could be saving, if I just eat the meals I prepare myself at home.  Granted, I have to account for the food that I'm buying and preparing to bring it, but thanks to skillful grocery shopping and coupon cutting, most of my meals are costing me just a few bucks each day.  This is also for purposes of eating healthier.  Meals I bring myself range between 300-400 calories.  The food that I buy at work is at least 600 calories a meal.  When I bring my lunch, I also bring morning and afternoon snacks, which also prevents me from overeating, and helps me conserve calories throughout the day.  I'm only limiting myself to lunches during the work week because Sean and I rarely eat dinner out during the week.  On the weekends, if Sean and I go out to eat, typically it is a social outing with friends.
  2. 30 days means 30 work days.  At 5 days each work week, that means 6 weeks, since I found that I eat out the most when I am at work.  Seeing as I started over again on  January 14, with the challenge, this means that I should end the challenge, if I have no more slip-ups, on February 25.  (It would be February 22, however, because MLK Day was a holiday for my office, I'm not including that in my 30 work days.)
  3. If I slip-up, start over.  This might seem harsh, but if feels necessary.  No excuses - if I forget my lunch, if I'm just too tired to make my lunch, if I don't feel like putting in the effort to wash dishes so I can pack my lunch - start over the challenge the next day.  My goal is for 30 consecutive work days without going out to eat to assist me in this healthy lifestyle change.
  4. When lunch is provided, that might be ok.  Why it "might" be ok is that my office loves to do birthday lunches and sometimes meals are provided for us for trainings.  If the meal is an opportunity for me to eat healthy (sometimes we have soup and sandwiches, for example), I will take it.  If it is something that will be unhealthy (pizza and wings, for example), I will politely pass on this opportunity, and bring my own meal.
This challenge isn't without its highs and lows.  I feel great about this challenge when I'm tracking my calories and I see how many calories I am saving at the end of the day.  I feel good about this when I look at my bank account and see more money in there.  It's also a great feeling to go through a day and know the only things I had to drink were water, coffee, and/or tea.  (And not super sugary coffee...just coffee.)  It's great to know that by not going out to eat, I'm eliminating empty calories like those in soda.   
  I feel low, however, when many people around me are getting meals from somewhere, or going out to eat together, and my lunch I brought no longer seems too appetizing.  To combat the low feelings, I try to make sure I have something different for each day.  Having variety is helpful, so I do not get bored with what I'm eating.  I also try to recreate some of my favorite recipes from various restaurants.  For example, I love the Buffalo Chicken Soup and the Pepperoni Pizza Soup that are sometimes available at Tom + Chee (a grilled cheese & tomato soup restaurant).  Recently, I have created recipes for both of these soups that tastes just like the ones in the restaurant.  And I plan to share these recipes, along with others, on the blog soon!
  It is now the 10th day of my challenge.  Some days, it seems it gets easier, other days, not so much.  But I am proud of myself for the efforts I have made and the calories and money I have saved.

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