Sunday, April 3, 2011

Success So Far

Day 2 of staying on track was a success!  If you can call only being on Day 2 a success.  I'm taking the initiative to be responsible for my physical activity - not just working out on my exercise ball, doing weights, or playing on the Wii Fit, but I actually made myself go for a long walk today (and surprised Sean when I asked him to join me).

It wasn't much, but I like the sense of accomplishment from the physical activity.

Back on the Bandwagon

I've not been as diligent with keeping up with both this blog, and my weight loss, as I would like to be.  I'm trying to get back on track, however, with small steps.  Some of the best small steps I have taken to change some of my eating habits including limiting sugary drinks and eating more fruits and veggies on a daily basis, even setting goals for myself to eat more fruits and vegetable.

When I first started this, I started this because I wanted to reach out to others, and while it would be great to help others, I realize the first step I must take is to help myself.  I promise to keep updating this blog for me - to monitor my progress.  I have so many wonderful reasons why I want to lose weight - to be healthier, to feel better about myself, and to know when I get married next year, I'll be at my best.  But that's just it, the reasons have to be for myself.  And I promise to lose weight, and monitor my progress, for myself.